Fairness - vertaling naar duits
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Fairness - vertaling naar duits

Fairness (disambiguation)

n. (new spell.=Fairness) sportsmanship, conduct of a sportsman (such as fairness, good manners, etc.)
n. candor, honesty, openness, sincerity; sportsmanship, conduct of a sportsman (such as fairness, good manners, etc.)
square deal         
  • Address to the Boys Progressive League ''"A square deal for every man and every woman in the United States. . .")'' by former President Theodore Roosevelt, New York City, recorded March 4, 1913 (according to Allen Koenigsberg's latest research).
The Square Deal; Square deal
faires Geschäft; faire Behandlung


Fairness is the quality of being reasonable, right, and just.
...concern about the fairness of the election campaign.



Fairness or being fair can refer to:

  • Justice: in particular, impartiality, objectivity, and decisions based on merit
  • The character in the award-nominated musical comedy A Theory of Justice: The Musical.
  • Equity (law), a legal principle allowing for the use of discretion and fairness when applying justice
  • Social justice, equality and solidarity in a society
  • Distributive justice, the perceived appropriateness of the distribution of goods, benefits, and other outcomes in a society, group, or organization (see also: teleology)
  • Procedural justice, the perceived appropriateness of rules or procedures used to allocate goods, benefits, and other outcomes (see also: deontology)
  • Interactional justice, the perceived appropriateness of interpersonal treatment
  • Environmental justice, the perceived appropriateness of the use or treatment of the environment or people via the environment, typically as a function of interpersonal or international relations
  • Fairness measure, metrics to quantify the fair distribution of resources
  • Perceptions associated with the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus brain regions, in the case of procedural justice, and the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, in the case of distributive justice
  • Fairness, absence of bias in specific realms:
    • In American broadcasting, presentation of controversies in accord with the Fairness Doctrine.
    • In computer science, fairness is a property of unbounded nondeterminism.
    • In computer science, and specifically in machine learning, fairness is a desirable property of algorithms to avoid bias.
    • In network engineering, access to resources formally rated by a fairness measure
    • In game theory, abstract principles for achieving fair division
    • In economics, relation among economic factors where price matches fair value that is (not only bias-free but also) rational
  • Fairness of human pigmentation, relatively light coloring, especially of skin
  • Beauty, the original meaning of the word
  • Being fair, property of motion of a batted baseball that qualifies it as a fair ball
  • Sportsmanship
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Fairness
1. Fairness.
Getting to Yes with Yourself _ William Ury _ Talks at Google
2. It's fairness.
Trust _ David Johnston _ Talks at Google
3. for fairness.
Weapons of Math Destruction _ Cathy O'Neil _ Talks at Google
4. of fairness.
The Ethical Algorithm _ Michael Kearns & Aaron Roth _ Talks at Google
5. You cannot define fairness that way and fairness this way.
Sexist Apps and Biased Algorithms _ Sara Wachter-Boettcher _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Fairness
1. Fairness kann als eine Investition in Reputation gesehen werden.
2. Bemerkenswert ist, dass bei der Fairness Unterschiede gemacht werden.
3. Ich glaube, dass Wahrheit und Fairness obsiegen werden.
4. Die EU–Kommission mahnte in dem Streit Fairness an.
5. Damit habe die Bahn das Gebot der gegenseitigen Fairness verletzt.